How to create J.A.R.V.I.S your personal assistance With Shell Commands


guys finally i will give you your personal assistant J.A.R.V.I.S(V1.1.0)

i had created this software with help of  Michel C.

it will support on windows system ONLY.

it's work on user define commands.

commands like...
  • Shell Commands
  • Web Commands
  • Social Commands

I will put Some By Default commands like
Hello Jarvis
Goodbye Jarvis
Close Jarvis
Stop talking
What's my name?
What day is it
Whats today's date
Whats the date
Hows the weather
Whats the weather like
Whats it like outside
What will tomorrow be like
Whats tomorrows forecast
Whats tomorrow like
Whats the temperature
Whats the temperature outside
Play music
Play a random song
You decide
Turn Shuffle On
Turn Shuffle Off
Next Song
Previous Song
Fast Forward
Stop Music
Turn Up
Turn Down
What song is playing
Exit Fullscreen
Play video
Switch Window
Close window
Out of the way
Come back
Show default commands
Show shell commands
Show web commands
Show social commands
Show Music Library
Show Video Library
Show Email List
Show listbox
Hide listbox
Log off
I want to add custom commands
I want to add a custom command
I want to add a command
Update commands
Set the alarm
What time is the alarm
Clear the alarm
Stop listening
JARVIS Come Back Online
Refresh libraries
Change video directory
Change music directory
Check for new emails
Read the email
Open the email
Next email
Previous email
Clear email list
Change Language
Check for new updates

if you are using internet than its gives you your local city temperature in speech.
its best thing is that it gives you a answer of your questions.

I Hope that u will like this and Use this software and fill like Tony Stark.


Guys This is basic commands of my JARVIS but as per many people request i will add a Shell commands of Jarvis i think it helps you .

I Will Create JARVIS in C# So The Shell Commands In C#.NET Language I Also Try To Create Jarvis In Android So Stay Tuned Foe Jarvis For Android.

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  1. Replies
    1. Hii sir.. Can you tell me what is MyMusicPath in above code and how to use that.. Kinda need to use that

  2. could not start downloading

    1. its only supported on windows... i will upload jarvis for android soon....

  3. Can I ask for your help on how to make a command to close the existing windows or application?

  4. It would be great if you remove the background song??Thanks and I love it!!

  5. This is good Self Invented AI I like it and also have a suggestion for you if you give me chance to work with you i will give amazing ideas about Jarvis and other AI.

  6. can you send the source code i want to learn how to make jarvis os my email

  7. i am unable o upload music libraries or directory on jarvis application

  8. Can you tell me what is MyMusicPath in above code and how to use it. Kinda need that

  9. guys sorry about late replay i couldn't tell you more about this software because now i am going to pattern this software so after get patterned i removed the given code also i m sorry about that.

    and this software is a basic now i am created mini O.S for Windows 8/8.1/10/10.1 thanks for your interest.

  10. namaste sir jarvis rar password not work please working password plz sir my email id main bhi bangalore se hoon sir

  11. sir jarvis rar password not work please working password my email id please sir main bhi bangalore se hoon

  12. sir jarvis rar password not work please working password my email id please sir main bhi bangalore se hoon

  13. how may download and install it .

  14. how to download that software sir please send me link for downloading

  15. how did you make it stop listen? i just need that code. thanks

  16. Sir i need ur help i really dont know whats the first step on adding shell commands

  17. i like your program but can you increase its graphics.

  18. nice program can u increase its visual graphics its look odd and can i use this code in java(netbeans)


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