Are you interested to learn more about search engine optimization (SEO)?
Lets's learn from the top SEO experts.
Checking & reading the top SEO blogs and publications is a good start.
But don’t stop there.
SEO is such a big and giving community.
We share strategies, tactics, tips, tools, data, and so much more on social media and at conferences – as well as in articles, research, and blog posts.
You will definitely learn something new every day from this list of top 10 SEO experts.
Follow them if you want to learn SEO for free.
Why This top 10 only?
The term “SEO expert” is thrown around a lot these days.
Do a Google search for [seo experts to follow] and you’ll find plenty of lists.
Here’s the thing about most of these lists: they’re usually deeply flawed in one way or another.
Common, top SEO expert lists:
- Are just a sneaky way for an unknown author to get himself or herself on a list filled with experts and look like a big-time SEO expert.
- Are published by unknown SEO agencies or companies purely for the purposes of attracting links and shares.
- Include people who, while brilliant in other areas of marketing (social media, content marketing, etc.), aren’t really SEO experts.
- Include people who no longer are really involved in SEO (or never really were practitioners). For example, while Matt Cutts, the former distinguished engineer who was head of the webspam team at Google, might be great on a list if it were still 2013 – it’s no longer 2013.
- Include popular “experts” who share bad information that give the industry a bad name. (We won’t name any names here.)
That’s why we began putting together this list of top authorities and experts you should be following or listening to if you want to learn about SEO today.
This is our first list we will share as many as possible.
How I build this top 10 SEO Expert list?
I am being active in the SEO industry since 2013 so I faced so many problems during my learning.
There are lots of who asking for money or something in return but here all are genuine people who help me and others.
The people on this list are all actively involved with SEO now – or they’re sharing SEO information, knowledge, and insights (either via social media, contributing to publications or blogs, or speaking at conferences).
The main idea of this post is to help you find interesting people who know a lot about SEO and are willing to share what they know.
This is just one way that i can able to direct you to SEO professionals who can help you improve at your job and advance your career.
While I love the idea that there are hundreds of SEO professionals doing great work who go unrecognized – and there truly are! – if they aren’t visible and sharing knowledge, it doesn’t matter in terms of the list you’re about to read.
Our goal with this list is to highlight people who are trying to help move the industry forward by sharing unique insights/knowledge/tips/ideas, etc.
Finally – there is no rankings order here from best to least best. Each person on this list has value in their own way.
Rather than go in alphabetical order by last name, we plugged our list into this list randomizer (though I did make a few minor adjustments) to give everyone a fair shot at where they appear.
Honorable Mentions
If you don't know the below people then I suppose that you are new in SEO. These humble guys nurture this community.
They know so much intel about search engines and the latest updates or issues. These folks regularly spend time to solve anyone's query or help others by tweet, write, or speak (in Hangouts, at conferences, and on webinars):
Gary Illyes, webmaster trends analyst.
Nathan Johns, search quality analyst.
John Mueller, senior webmaster trends analyst.
Martin Splitt, developer advocate.
Danny Sullivan, public liaison of search (@searchliason).
Checklist of free SEO Tools - Keyword Research, Backlinks Checker, Social Media Scheduling and Management & Plagiarism Checker
Microsoft Bing:
Frederic Dubut, senior program manager.
Gabriel Weinberg, CEO and founder.
Top SEO Experts to Follow Right Now
The following people really know their stuff when it comes to SEO.
Follow them if you want to grow your skillset and knowledge.
Follow Areej on LinkedIn
Dave Davies
Follow @beanstalkim on Twitter
Follow Dave on LinkedIn
Read Dave on Search Engine Journal
Dan Taylor
Head of Research & Development / SALT.agencyFollow @TaylorDanRW on Twitter
Follow Dan on LinkedIn
Read Dan on Search Engine Journal
Jes Scholz

International Digital Director / Ringier AG
Follow @jes_scholz on Twitter
Follow Jes on LinkedIn
Read Jes on Search Engine Journal
Fili Wiese
SEO Expert / SearchBrothers.comFollow @filiwiese on Twitter
Follow Fili on LinkedIn
Ruth Everett
Technical SEO Analyst / DeepCrawlFollow @rvtheverett on Twitter
Follow Ruth on LinkedIn
Read Ruth on Search Engine Journal
Tyler Reardon
SEO Manager / ChewyFollow @TylerReardon on Twitter
Follow Tyler on LinkedIn
Carolyn Shelby
Technical SEO & News SEO / ESPNFollow @cshel on Twitter
Follow Carolyn on LinkedIn
Christoph C. Cemper
Founder and CEO / LinkResearchTools
Follow @cemper on TwitterFollow Christoph on LinkedIn
Jackie Chu
Jeff Ferguson
Partner / Amplitude DigitalFollow @countxero on Twitter
Follow Jeff on LinkedIn
Read Jeff on Search Engine Journal
Super thanks to Search Engine Journal(SEJ) for always helping me with new ideas of my blogs.
Good readers always drop comments!!